
Goliath And The Timeline Pictures Of His Condition

Wait where is that proof you all were talking about on your profile that I starved my dog? Hmmm I will wait for it!!! I have it all and sure the hell was not me and you all know that. I mean Maggie was starved to death and the black shepherd died how many days after you got her? How many more came with parvo, emaciated and broken legs?  Do the people that live in Washington WVA know they have a stolen dog? Maybe I should call them up and let them know. That is right I have their name, address and phone number. 

What lie and threat is that Vicki?

What lies will you come up with next Vicki? What threats will you come up with next? Thought you posted this, deleted it and blocked me fast enough didn't you?  MY DOGS were never in a rescue they were in a foster home until my husband healed from having a massive open heart surgery. My dogs were never signed over to her. My dogs are still my dogs. You know they were my dogs because you and all your friends lied on your profile about Goliath. My children's dog.  I have all those screenshots as well that I will be posting. As well as screenshots of posts of my dogs in Kristine's care with the dates.  If you were truly about the dogs you would have turned in the animal abuser correct? You would have wanted dogs that had a  home returned to their kids. You would not have lied to make your self look better knowing full well you were taken multiple dogs that were on death's door from her.Just like other rescues were doing. Yes I have it all...

Always put the blame on someone else if they would have minded their own business

Try you are the one to blame for not just the wildlife deaths but hundreds of dogs!!!! You are selfish and have issues that should have been addressed with years ago.  What kills me is the cops on your profile new it was illegal but did nothing. Makes you want to trust the cops... NOT!!! Hell they could not even recover stolen property from you because we all know you keep them on your side and do things for them to keep your ass out of jail where it should have been years ago. Oh and the bit about Wildlife officials knowing you were not their average call.. umm yeah okay everyone that gets caught doing something illegal says that. Why try to save those animals when you kill and starve dogs? Its attention and a mental issue!!!! You alone have put that boy through hell with your sickness no one else. You should not have him just like you lost the other 2 kids. The father should have fought for 100% custody!!!


A person that wanted her dogs back from Kristen because she did not fulfill her verbal/written contract at least asked for proof they were alive. She got none!  Yet Kristine facebook messages Jami and neither have a care in the world!!!  Funny shit huh girl?  But it's about the animals , right guys? 

Another person that had to rescue animals from Kristine

Also, another one that did not do a damn thing but hey we "rescued" the family but who cares about putting a permanent stop to the abuse/neglect and deaths. Pat me on my back ya all!!!

Hey Toni

Hey Toni, why use my stuff to try and warn others off Kristine? Did you also let them know that you were part of her support? Did you let them know that you helped move MY dogs? Did you tell them that you also covered up all the dogs that were starved, neglected and died? Let me guess NO!!! But it's about the animals right?  You are just as much to blame for it all!!! Every animal she gets that starves and dies it on you. I hope they haunt every single one of you all. You all had everything you needed at the tip of your hands but not one damn one of you did anything.  Greed was the factor not love for animals. If you loved animals you would have protected the ones that still go there, you would have returned my animals to my family, my children. I hope what you all do and did smacks the wind out from under you some day.  I just pray I am alive to watch it happen!!

Breeding Buddies

Not enough money in stolen dogs and free dogs from craigslist, pounds etc we have to go ahead and borrow a stud to produce more pups. That is how you get all these "rescues" to move the hot stolen goods you produce pups that they can flip for a pretty penny.  What a lovely web you all weave!!!!  She was working under the table for a "rescue" doing court paperwork and getting paid but that was never reported to welfare or the IRS either.