Moral and Criminal Activity Part 1

We received this via 3 Rd party we can not say for sure if it's true but we can verify that the theft part is true. We have to lean towards the rest being true as well but this is a judge at your own discretion moment. Please follow the link below and type in Maxwell, K

Looking into things further we can say that we think the drug use is more than likely factual as we starting digging more into who Kristine Kay Fincham-Maxwell-Tanner actually is.

Follow this link and type in Fincham, Kristine and you will see where she lost her son and oldest daughter and please read each of the cases dockets as you will see alot of information such as she was to do drug testing and she was not allowed to consume illegal drugs or alcohol around them. 

This is rather important information for many reasons. No person that has lost their children should have any thing to do with animals of course that is our own opinion. 
You will also see later as things unfold how she gets other people to believe that people that she has scammed , lied and stolen from that have confronted her are the actual bad parents. Yet she has no actual facts or actual hard core documentation like there is about her as a parent.

The below 3 pictures are perfect to describe her and her group that we call the flying monkeys and who they are  and what they do to innocent people and their animals.Please refer back to them through out all this

More to come!

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